Set against the rich hues of India, Beyond The Surface follows Ishita Malaviya, India’s first female surfer, and fellow wave riders Crystal Thornburg-Homcy, Liz Clark, Lauren Hill, Emi Koch, and Kate Baldwin. While on their journey through southern India, the women surfers and the people they meet share experiences and stories related to surfing, yoga, and ecological awareness, resulting in mutual feelings of hope, a fuel for change, and the empowerment of women. Highlighted by the undeniable power of surfing, Malaviya and her group of talented women search for the perfect waves as they forge with the people of India an unshakable determination to make the world a better place.
Filmed by award winning cinematographer, Dave Homcy, has captured this rare and inspiring endeavor with the goal of sharing these stories with the global surf community and beyond. Homcy is best know for critically acclaimed work in Sliding Liberia, Surfwise, A Broke Down Melody, El Mar Mi Alma, Come Hell or High Water, One Track Mind, Shelter, and Dear and Yonder.
The group is teaming up with Beyond The Surface International. A Non-Profit organization whose mission is to use surfing as a highly effective tool to assimilate underprivileged, homeless and orphaned children into society. They have been able to strengthen and create communities to promote social justice and peace.